3rd Semester 4th Semester 5th Semester 6th Semester 7th Semester 8th Semester 3rd Semester-21Scheme 21CS32-Data Structures and Applications 21CS33-Analog and Digital Electronics 21CS34-Computer Organization 21CIP37 - CIP 21CS382- Introduction to C++ 21Scheme- ಸಾಂಸ್ಕೃತಿಕ ಕನ್ನಡ 3rd Sem - 2022 Scheme BCS301- Mathematics for Computer Science BCS302- Digital Design & Computer Organization BCS306A- OOPS JAVA BCS303- OS BCS304- Data Structures and Applications BCS306B- OOC with C++ 4th Sem-21Scheme Mathematical Foundations for Computing -21CS41 Design and Analysis (Algorithms)-21CS42 Microcontrollers and Embedded systems-21CS43 Operating System-21CS44 4th Sem - 2022 Scheme Analysis & Design of Algorithms BXX402(CS,IS,AIML) DBMS DMS Graph Theory 5th Semester -2021 Scheme Automata Theory and compiler Design (AT) Database Management System Computer Networks and Security Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI & ML) Principles of AI(21AI54) 5th Semester - 2022 Scheme BCS501- SEPM(Core) 5th Sem Management and Entrepreneurship for IT Industry Computer Networks and Security Database Management System Application Development using Python Automata Theory and Computability UNIX Programming EVS (18CIV59) 6th Semester (CS,IS,AIML)- 21 Scheme- Mains 21CS61 - Software Engineerinng & Project Management 21CS62 - Full Stack Development 21AD62 - Data Science 21CS63 - CG and FIP 21AD63- AIML Professional Electives- 21CS/AI64X 6th Sem-AIML Branch Machine Learning(18AI61) DIP(18AI62) JMA(18AI63) FDS(Professional Elective) 6th Sem System software and compiler design computer graphics and visualization SMS Web Technology & application OOMD IMS Software testing(ISE) File Strcuctures(ISE) Cloud Computing Advanced Java DMW 6th Sem - Open Electives Remote Sensing and GIS SCM Renewable Energy Resources OSHA NCER Introduction to Operating System MAD Traffic Engineering Programming in Java Intro to DSA 7th Sem Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning(core) Big Data Analytics(core) Software Architecture and Design Patterns(Elective) NLP(elective) User Interface Design(UID)(Elective) RPA(Elective) DIP(Elective) Cryptography(Elective) Network Managment(Elective) ACA(Elective) Open Electives-7th Sem Energy and Environment Neural Networks Human Resource Management Environmental protection and Management Python Application Programming Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Electrical Energy Conservation and Auditing 8th Sem IOT NoSQL SAN System software and compiler design